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Use our collection of databases to locate information on a broad range of subjects from magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, and books. Please note that the following list is a selection of databases relevant to legal research. Use the Library catalogue to find all databases subscribed to by the . Alt Healthwatch is a full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. A scholarly, multidisciplinary database providing indexing and abstracts for over 10publications, including monographs, reports, . Huntington Library (San Marino, California), are also included.
Collection migration in progress. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Unauthorized use of the databases or their content may result in a loss of . The ERIC database is the premier education literature database for scholarly research.
Searchable database of influenza genomes with visualization and analysis tools. Provides indexing and abstracts from current serial and . Do you want to know what research exists about reducing mental health issues in. The library participates in research databases that contain full-text periodicals, journals and newspapers. There is also a database for full-text books that .
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