An extension gives you extra time to file , but not extra time to pay. After you file an extension , if you owe taxes when you file your return, you might also have to pay penalties and interest on the tax due. A personal or business income tax extension is easy to . The penalty for failing to file exceeds the penalty for failing to pay, and an extension can also help with saving for retirement. How to get an extension of time to file your tax return.
If you timely requested an extension of time to file your individual income tax return and paid at least percent of the taxes you owe with your request, you may . Individual Income Tax Return. The IRS website explains exactly how to file a tax extension. Under federal law, even if you file for a tax extension , you still have . Learn the steps for getting an extension and why it could have . If you cannot file on time, you can request an automatic extension of time to file the following forms. Form IT-20 Resident Income Tax Return . After all, you know that the April deadline is . The IRS gives taxpayers an automatic federal tax extension , giving you an extra months to file taxes.
This must be done by the tax filing due date, typically April 15. FREE tax return extension filing. Easily file your state and federal tax extension forms online.