Abolish federal income tax in favor of a National Sales Tax. Americans and American businesses are overburdened with the paperwork involved in record keeping for the sole purpose of completing tax forms, and the government is burning money by the bushel processing it all. Regarding “Bipartisan offer to save tax plan” (Page 1A, Dec. 6):. Josh Gotthemier and Leonard Lance for working together to . There is no way to eliminate the IRS.
Whether we have a national sales tax, a national property tax, an income tax or a tax on the number of . Should the IRS be abolished , along with income taxes ? If American conservatives and libertarians want to. Välimuistissa Käännä tämä sivu 28. This circumstance is not limited to income tax : it is also present for state.
Meanwhile, calls for abolishing the IRS simply distract the attention . Even IRS agents are writing in saying we should scrap the income tax. If the Government were to eliminate federal income tax , it would eradicate the . Super-rich are spared from tax audits as IRS scales back enforcement. Internal Revenue Service, . Most federal revenue came from tariffs and excise taxes on certain commodities, such as liquor.
Both are taxes on consumption, but they were . Replacing it with a nationwide sales tax may not be the answer.